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FuncT = TypeVar("FuncT", bound=Callable[..., Element])

def component(obj: FuncT) -> FuncT:

Decorator that turns a function into a Reacton component. Should return an element. Note that the type signature is formally incorrect (we do not return a FuncT but a reacton.core.ComponentFunction instance), but this gives good type hints in editors and good type checker support.


def ButtonClick():
    clicks, set_clicks = reacton.use_state(0)
    def my_click_handler():
    button = w.Button(description=f"Clicked {clicks} times",
    return button

Note that calling the component will not execute the function directly, but will return an Element (not the Button element!) that can be passed to render. All argument used on the call to the component are bound to the element such that they can be passed onto the render function when needed.


def render(
    element: Element[T], container: None = None, children_trait="children", handle_error: bool = True
) -> Tuple[widgets.Widget, _RenderContext]:

Execute the first render pass of the element to turn it into a set of widets. If no container is provided, an ipywidgets.VBox is created and returned. The second return value is a _RenderContext (which is currently considered a private API class). The resulting top level widget (associated to element being passed in) will be set as the first child of the container. Note that re-renders may change this first child (since a component can return a different element each render), hence the need for the container.

Subsequent renders will be triggered by internal calls to the setter of use_state or calls to provide_context.

If re-renders needs to be triggered due to an external data change, the following pattern is often used:

def SomeComponent():
    counter, set_counter = reacton.use_state(0)
    def force_update():
        # note the use of the lambda to avoid stale data
        set_counter(lambda counter: counter+1)

    def listen():
        def on_change():

        # listen to external data changes
        handle = external_service.subscribe(on_change)

        def cleanup():
        return cleanup

    use_effect(listen, [])  # will only subscribe and unsubscribe once

    # use external data
    value = external_service.value


It might be worth reading the ReactJS documentation on Hooks as well:

Rules of hooks (see also ReactJS):

  • Do not use hooks conditionally
  • Do not use hooks in a loop

Note that this is per component. The reason behind this is that hooks return values depend on the order of the hooks, i.e.the 2nd hook call should always be the second hook call.

For every new component the 'hooks call counter' will be reset.

For instance, instead of creating an element and calling a hook in a loop, create a new component that uses that hook, and create the element for that component in a loop instead.

For instance, do not do this:

def Wrong(count:int = 0):
    with w.VBox():
        for i in range(count):
            el = SomeThing()
            use_effect(...)  # not a fixed amount of hooks calls!

Refactor it like this:

def Right(count:int = 0):
    with w.VBox():
        for i in range(count):

def SomeComponent(count:int = 0):
    el = SomeThing()
    use_effect(...)  # just 1 hook call per component
    return el


def use_state(initial: T, key: str = None,
              eq: Callable[[Any, Any], bool] = None
              ) -> Tuple[T, Callable[[Union[T, Callable[[T], T]]], None]]:

Returns a (value, setter) tuple that is used to manage state in a component.

This function can only be called from a component function.

The value returns the current state (which equals initial at the first render call). Or the value that was last set using the setter.

Note that the setter function can be used in two ways.

Directly setting the value:

def ButtonClick():
    clicks, set_clicks = reacton.use_state(0)
    def my_click_handler():
    button = w.Button(description=f"Clicked {clicks} times",
    return button

Updating the value based on the previous/current value.

def ButtonClick():
    clicks, set_clicks = reacton.use_state(0)
    def my_click_handler():
        set_clicks(lambda prev: prev+1)
    button = w.Button(description=f"Clicked {clicks} times",
    return button

The last one avoid issues with stale data, which means you have a reference to the value of an old render pass (not present in this simple example).


EffectCleanupCallable = Callable[[], None]
EffectCallable = Callable[[], Optional[EffectCleanupCallable]]

def use_effect(effect: EffectCallable, dependencies=None):

Executes non-declarative code in a callback, for instance to cause side effects like attaching event handlers.

The effect callable will run after the component is turned into concrete widgets, which allows us to get a reference to the real underlying widgets using get_widget.

The return value of the callback can return a cleanup function which will be called when the component is removed, or before the effect is invoked again (when using dependencies).

If no dependencies are given, the effect and its cleanup will be executed after each render.

Example usage:

def SomeComponent():
    def listen():
        handle = external_service.subscribe(...)

        def cleanup():
        return cleanup
    # will only subscribe and unsubscribe once
    use_effect(listen, [])
    # the following will
    #   * subscribe once at first render
    #   * unsubscribe/subcribe after each render
    #   * unsubscribe once when the component gets removed
    # use_effect(listen)


def use_memo(f: Callable, dependencies=None, debug_name: str = None):

Memoize the last function return based on its dependencies. The function will only be executed the first time, or when its dependencies changes. If dependencies is None the dependencies are obtained automatically by inspecting the nonlocal variables. Pass an empty list (or any fixed value that supports comparison ) to only execute the function once for the lifetime of the component.

Example relying on the automatic detection of dependencies:

def Test(x):
    def square():
        # use_memo will automatically detect x as a dependency
        return x**2

    y = reacton.use_memo(square)
    return w.Label(value=f"{x} - {y}")

Sometimes, automatic detection on variables is not ideal when the dependencies are expensive to calculate, or do not even support comparison. In that case, we can manually define dependencies.

def Test(count):
    x = np.arange(count)
    def cumulative_sum():
        # automatic detection would compare the numpy arrays
        # which could be slow
        return x.cumsum()

    # instead, we know that the underlying dependency is `count'
    y = reacton.use_memo(cumulative_sum, [count])
    return w.Label(value=f"{value} - {y}")


def use_context(user_context: UserContext[T]) -> T:

Returns the current value for the context created with create_context. The current value is defined as the value provided by the nearest ancestor who provided the value using provide_context or the default value of create_context.

Note that the type passed in create_context defines the return type of use_context (meaning we have type safety).

# typed with int
myvalue_context = reacton.create_context(1)
some_other_value_context = reacton.create_context(33)

def RootComponent():
    # this is a different context, just to show you can have multiple
    # user contexts with the same type
    return ChildComponent()

def ChildComponent():
    return SubChildComponent()

def SubChildComponent():
    return SubSubChildComponent()

def SubSubChildComponent():
    # many layers between the root component and this component
    # but we are able to pass it down without having to do this via
    # argument. value should be 42 due to `RootComponent`
    value = reacton.use_context(myvalue_context)
    return w.IntSlider(value=value)


T = TypeVar("T")
U = TypeVar("U")

def use_reducer(reduce: Callable[[T, U], T], initial_state: T) -> Tuple[T, Callable[[U], None]]:

See The ReactJS documentation


class Ref(Generic[T]):
    def __init__(self, initial_value: T):
        self.current = initial_value

def use_ref(initial_value: T) -> Ref[T]:
    def make_ref():
        return Ref(initial_value)

    ref = use_memo(make_ref, [])
    return ref

Returns a mutable proxy object that initially holds the initial value and can be mutated by anyone who has a reference to the proxy.

The implementation is so trivial, that the full source code is added here.

Note that assigning a new value will not trigger a rerender.


# this does not work well with mypy, UserContext[T] and obj:T
# so for type hints it is better to use user_context.provide
def provide_context(user_context: UserContext[T], obj: T):

Sets the value for the user_context. Any call to use_context after the call to provide_context, or in any child component will return the obj value.

Note that because mypy does not give type warnings for provide_context, it may be more convenient to use user_context.provide (see use_context for an example)



def create_context(default_value: T, name: str = None) -> UserContext[T]:

Create a context object to be used with use_context and provide_context. This is used to 'transport' objects down a component hierarchy, without having to pass it down the arguments of each child component. This reduces the number of explicit dependencies/argument of your components.

See use_context for usuage.


def get_widget(el: Element):

Returns the real underlying widget, can only be used in use_effect. Note that if the same element it used twice in a component, the widget corresponding to the last element will be returned.